Skin Care

4 Easy Tips For Younger Looking Skin

This year put your best foot forward and kick your skin care regimen into high gear so that you look your absolute best with 4 tips for younger looking skin!

This year put your best foot forward and kick your skin care regimen into high gear so that you look your absolute best with 4 tips for younger looking skin!

Beauty Sleep

Getting enough sleep does everybody good. Not only will you feel better, a good night’s rest will leave you looking refreshed and ensures that you will not wake yo with dark and puffy eyes come morning. A good night’s sleep also helps to even out skin tone and boost collagen production. Try to be consistent with your bedtime every night and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate

An accumulation of dead skin cells can make your skin look dull, and lacklustre and can even make your makeup look muddy. The best way to remove dead skin is by exfoliating regularly with products made especially for your skin type. For example; oily and acne-prone skin will benefit from exfoliators with glycolic acid or salicylic acid such as the Pro-Derm Exfoliating Clarifying Solution, exfoliants with hydrating and rejuvenating ingredients such as the Environ Tri Botanical Revival Masque are best for dry skin, while enzymatic exfoliators such as the Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask which contains active pomegranate enzymes are best for sensitive skin. Once a month visit your esthetician for a professional treatment.

Hydrate Inside and Out

When your body is dehydrated, your skin also suffers… and it shows! Hydration is needed for the skin to look even toned, plump and healthy. Water is one of the best ways to look instantly younger and better, plus it is simple to do and cost-efficient. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water per day and apply a good moisturizer for your skin type both day and night.

Protect Your Skin All Year Around

Elasticity and collagen production in our skin diminishes as we age. This is a direct reflection of genetics and the amount of sun endured in our lifetime. UV rays break down collagen and decrease our elasticity causing the skin to sag and wrinkle. The BEST thing you can do to stop premature aging instantly is to reduce sun exposure and NEVER leave the house without applying sunscreen!

Start shopping for a younger, fresher complexion!

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